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Super craft bros


This project started after I started a Minecraft server with my friends. We wanted to play together over quarantine, and being a server owner I realized that I could create my own plugins for the server, which modify the way that game mechanics work server side. Me and my friends play a lot of Super Smash Bros Brawl on the switch when we get together, but since we couldn’t do that anymore I wanted to bring it to Minecraft. So, I started to teach myself how to code plugins using the Spigot API (Most Minecraft servers, including mine, run on Spigot). I learned so much more than just getting better at Java. This was an amazing experience that taught me a lot about programming practices, project development, and Java.


The game has 27 playable characters each with unique abilities and attacks with 12 maps to play on. Each character is based on something related to Minecraft, such as an entity or an item in the game. Each player gets 5 lives and the last man standing wins. Random items spawn on the map that can give potentially deadly powers. Each character gets a double jump which provides an interesting twist on traditional pvp mechanics.








I spent several months developing and bug testing the plugin as well as building and managing the server. The server is still up to this day.

Copy of Baseball Tournament.png

© 2020 by Carson Anderson. Proudly created with

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